Santa Barbara Traffic Lawyer, P.C.

Santa Barbara Traffic Lawyer, P.C.

Lawyers and Law Firms in California,

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Santa Barbara ,
California , UNITED STATES

About Santa Barbara Traffic Lawyer, P.C.

You can trust Santa Barbara Traffic Lawyer, P.C. to fight your traffic ticket. Our law firm covers all of Santa Barbara County including Santa Barbra, Santa Maria, and Lompoc Courts. With almost a decade of experience representing drivers, we pride ourselves in focused quality representation at an affordable price. We are professional, experienced, and knowledgeable, and will take the time to explain your legal rights, responsibilities, and options thoroughly. Whether you are a regular driver or CDL holder, you will benefit from a thorough and tailored defense designed to give you the best chance of protecting your license, keeping your record clean, and avoiding paying more for your insurance.


Santa Barbara Traffic Lawyer, P.C. 805-991-7000
Santa Barbara ,
California , UNITED STATES
Santa Barbara Traffic Lawyer, P.C.

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Santa Barbara Traffic Lawyer, P.C.
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cdl traffic tickets,  traffic infractions,  misdemeanor traffic tickets dmv hearings and license suspensions
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Santa Barbara Traffic Lawyer, P.C.

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